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Re: Scared of US; Where to relocate?

At 15:31 12.11.97 +0100, Anonymous wrote:
>It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika 
>is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before
>it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?

I would have suggested Germany, but it seems to fail the meet the critera
on about 84% of the points. =:)

When you find out where you're headed, let me know. I'll see you there.
          ( o  o )  
|  .oooO             | PGP5 Key Fingerprint:                             |  
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|  \   (    (    )   | "Ian.Sparkes@T-Online.de" "Ian.Sparkes@ac.com"    |
|    \__)    )  /    |                                                   |
|           (__/     | Life empiricist and confused ethical hedonist     |
| I'm not your lawer, you're not my client. This is therefore not advice |