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See brother Ralph, bash billg for free.

See Washington before it burns...

Bob Hettinga
--- begin forwarded text

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 13:35:24 -0500 (EST)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Originator: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Precedence: bulk
From: James Love <[email protected]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[email protected]>
Subject: Microsoft Conference Scholarship Info
MIME-Version: 1.0

I have mentioned this a few times before, but apparently some are not
aware. People who want to attend the Essential Information Conference on
Microsoft, and who do not have funding for the conference fee, can
easily receive a scholarship by sending a note to Donna Colvin, who can
be reached at [email protected] (fax 202.234.5176).  This is
available to anyone, including people who work in industry or

Conference info is on the web at http://www.appraising-microsoft.org


James Packard Love
Consumer Project on Technology
P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036
202.387.8030 | fax 202.234.5176
[email protected] | http://www.cptech.org

--- end forwarded text

Robert Hettinga ([email protected]), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
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