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Re: Mad as Hell

Tim May wrote:

>Colorado state Senator Charles Duke, also in the studio audience,
>spoke about the 10th Amendment Sovereignty Resolution, a modern
>version of Magna Carta designed to force a constitutional showdown
>with the federal government. 

This sounds interesting!  This is what I had in mind, in that other thread
about "What Will Revolution Look Like"

>[...]A merchandise ine with caps, t-shirts with the blazing
>l "Mad As Hell" logo is also planned.

However, this is unfortunate.   Trinkets like these may bring in useful and
needed funds, but they take away from the seriousness of the effort, from
the respect the cause deserves.  They make the wearers look like weenies
playing a child's game, rather than serious individuals in their rights
minds with the concentration and commitment to do important work for the
purpose at hand.

(In a silly mood, I could see a gathering of such supporters in a large,
crowded courtroom, all wearing T-shirts saying, "It's *ShowTime* !!!" )
