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Re: CDA: The Sequel -- introduced in the U.S. Senate
At 10:59 PM -0500 11/12/97, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>[Got a note from a longtime Hill observer on CDT and their "harmful to
>minors" compromise. --Declan]
Will you give this up aleady? What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish?
>>I remember a press conference, or a briefing, on the Hill in which
>>White, AOL, ISA, CDT, et. al. were promoting the measure very
>>heavily. Jerry spoke out strongly in favor of it.
This briefing was NOT about the "white compromise", it was about the
Cox-Wyden "Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment Act" in July of 1995.
As you may recall, the Cox-Wyden bill, which passed the house 420-4,
prohibited the gvt from imposing content regulations on the Net. CDT did
indeed strongly support the Cox-Wyden bill.
The "White Compromise" was brought together and offered at the 11th hour of
the conference committee negotiations in December of 1995. There was never
a press conference about it. And, for the record, CDT's policy post about
the White bill can be found at http://www.cdt.org/publications/pp311204.html
>>Memories in Washington are short, and distortions are the currency of
>>the realm.
Unfortunately, so is forwarding completely false and misleading information
Declan. This is just so foolish.
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