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(Fwd) Victory For Microbroadcasting!!!!

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Date:          Thu, 13 Nov 1997 10:45:16 -0800 (PST)
From:          gregruggiero@earthlink.net (Greg Ruggiero)
Subject:       Victory For Microbroadcasting!!!!


This should raise the hopes of all microbroadcasters.  We, who oppose
the barriers against free communications and the corporate takeover of
our media institutions, need to do all we can to ensure that the
airwaves really become free.

Support your local alternative media.

 Howard Rosenfeld



At 7 PM on Thursday, [ed: correction - Wednesday] November 12
attorneys for Stephen Dunifer & Free Radio Berkeley received a 14 page
decision via fax from Federal District Court Judge Claudia Wilken
announcing her ruling in favor of Stephen Dunifer and Free Radio
Berkeley. Her ruling denies the FCC's motion for summary judgement for
a permanent injunction, states that she has jurisdiction in this case
and that the FCC's regulatory structure is unconstitutional. Further,
she orders the FCC to submit within 14 days a brief on the
constitutional issues raised. Essentially Judge Claudia Wilken affirms
all the merits and arguments raised by the defense attorneys for
Stephen Dunifer and Free Radio Berkeley. Stay tuned for further
details. The full text of the decision will be posted ASAP. A victory
party will take place on Saturday evening, November 15 in Berkeley.
Place to be announced as soon as one is secured. Everyone is invited.

Stephen Dunifer
Free Radio Berkeley


                                              NEW YORK
Media for Change         <<< FREE MEDIA >>>     Changing the Media

                              listserve: nyfreemedia@tao.ca
                                voicemail: (212) 969-TOFM
              website: http://artcon.rutgers.edu/papertiger/nyfma


Ross Wright
King Media: Bulk Sales of Software Media and Duplication Services
Voice: (408) 259-2795