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CDT: The Recycling / Re: CDA: The Sequel -- introduced in the U.S. Senate

Declan McCullagh wrote:

> Jonah,
> Contrary to what you claim, I'm not "trying to accomplish" anything except
> report the facts.
> Then CDT responded to my article publicly, incorrectly claiming that CDT
> did not embrace the harmful to minors "compromise." My post was to correct
> those inaccuracies and clear the air -- and, you'll remember I concluded by
> saying I hoped we could move forward to discussing Coats. You seem unable
> -- or unwilling -- to do that.

  Has anyone noticed that the cycles of CDT intrusions into the
CypherPunks list occurs with about the same frequency as the phone
calls from the aluminum siding salesmen who call us in their search
for old people with huddled life savings, struggling to be free?
  The underlying concept is the same. Once they stretch their scam
a little too far, and get run out of town, the perpetrators move on
to fresh territory. When they run out of new areas to run their scam,
then they begin re-working old territory, starting with the areas
where their targets are likely to have forgotten the details of their
last scam.
  CDT should take a lesson from the aluminum siding salesmen, and 
change their name when they start a fresh round of scamming. 
 ("No ma''m, we're the CD'T&A'. No connection to those scumbag, lying
ratfuckers that suck the dicks of the Fascist powermongers. No...that 
was _another_ Jonah Seiger. I am trying to atone for his sins against 
my name by offering you a special deal on a revolutionary new product
called VaporSiding."

  What list subscribers need to understand is that the CDT recognizes
the need to compromise on important issues, so that 'reasonable' people
like themselves are not unjustly linked with terrorists like Tim May,
who threaten the lives of judges four or five times a day.
 (Which we know, because Little Bobby Hettinga has been pointing his
  finger at Tim eighty times per post, reminding us of Tim's death
  threats against the OKC bombing judge, who Tim plans to slaughter
  at 4 p.m. next Thursday.)

  Tim May, JUDGE KILLER, sent a post to the list that quoted the
passage that Louis F. Hettinga has been misrepresenting, only to
have LFH and other list members (some of who should know better)
continue to recycle/respond-to this misrepresentation of CONVICTED
JUDGE MURDERER Tim May's words.
  Naturally, 'reasonable' organizations, such as the CDT, will need
like Tim May, in order to get at the life savings of increasingly
senile supporters, and be listened to seriously by those with whom
they are seeking to compromise our freedom and privacy as a good-
faith gesture to those who would frown on the CDT supporting those
freedoms and privacies for even CONVICTED JUDGE MURDERING, RAPIST

  My respose to the CDT is thus: "Beat it, guys. The Electronic Fraud
Foundation is working this side of the street. The Georgia Cracker
remailer operators tried cutting our action on this list, but they 
quickly found that you can't type with broken fingers."

"It's not VaporSiding until *I* say it's VaporSiding!"