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Re: (Fwd) Victory For Microbroadcasting!!!!

>On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Steve Schear wrote:
>> Kuddos!
>Actually, I've got a bad feeling about this.  (cliche, but it fits)  Out
>of *all* the government agencies, the least screwed up has got to be the
>FCC.  If we're going to eliminate agencies, this isn't the place to start.

Was my "commerce clause" argument essentially the same as Stephen's?

>Yes, I've been an Amateur Radio op for 10 years now.  From what I've seen,
>the FCC does it's best to keep things from getting totally screwed up.
>Can't say that about some others (hmm.. any of the ones with guns, would
>the the "others")

The states are certainly ill equiped to handle the FCC's role, but ignoring the Constitution because it's inconvenient is the slippery slope we've been on since  Federal power was "illegally" expanded and the principle of judicial review was established in 1803 in the famous case of Marbury v. Madison.  Since then, any excuse the President and Congress can come up with is sufficient to create a  new agency and expanded authority.  Completely circumventing Constitutional intent.

The demise a needed Federal agency is but a small price to pay for puttling right the apple cart.  Besides, Congress can always call for an ammendment and if the people (through their state leglislature) agree re-instate FCC authority through proper means.
