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Re: [OB: CRYTO] Re: about RC4

On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Anonymous wrote:

> > >   No...because they couldn't speak a 'Native' language perfectly.
> > > Cherokee!
> > Navajo, if I understand what reference you're making. :-)  You are
> > referring to the practice of using Navajo Indians for much of the
> > top-secret communications during WWII, right?
>   Right! It is em-bare-ass'ing to admit that my second 'guess' was
> going to be Comanche...
>   I'm not too dumb to use a Search Engine, just too lazy.

That's not as embarassing as the fact that we're running low on speakers
of Navajo in this country now.  It would be kinda convenient to have that
ability available again.  My gut feeling is that Navajo remains one of the
most poorly documented languages in the world....  government research
(funny name for it, come to think of it) into the language is probably
quite classified....

Ryan Anderson - Alpha Geek
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