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Re: Mad as Hell


At 02:11 PM 11/13/97 -0500, Robert Hettinga wrote:

>> But in many ways, this is good news. The war is coming faster than I
>> thought.
>> The judge in this case has committed a capital crime.
>was *not* a threat against a judge?
>Right, Tim, if you say so.

The phrase "capital crime" (literaly "head crime") just means "worst crime".  
It does not imply punishment.  Punishment for capital crimes varies with time 
and place.  Saying someone is guilty of an infamous crime is not a death 
threat.  It's not even a death threat to say, "I think X should be arrested, 
tried by a court, and gassed."  You are merely expressing opinions about 
criminal guilt and perhaps capital punishment but you are not making a 

"Hey, hey, LBJ.  How many kids did you kill today?"

Tim was *not* threatening to set up his own court and try anyone himself and 
carry out a punishment.

"You shall receive more than you deserve.  You shall receive justice."

>> You sicken me.
>Um, well... Take a pill, maybe?
>Bob Hettinga

Bob, Tim's is just a different approach.  It shouldn't sicken you.  Tim and I 
are members of the same birth cohort and I think you are a little bit younger 
but it seems to me that he has absorbed the major message of modern education 
better.  You know -- Multi Culturalism.  Or as Mao said "let a thousand 
flowers bloom".  Tim's a very Multi Culti guy.  Individuation.  Big time.  
Micro Cultures.  He believes in letting other people explore the rich 
diversity of their lives and experiences as long as they let him do the same. 
 He's trying to make sure that everyone is aware that Multi Culturalism is 
*real*.  Too many proponents of same treat it as some bland mush.  Tim is 
keeping them aware of the spice.

Or as my grandfather said "It doesn't matter what your race, creed or color 
is.  You can still be a son of a bitch."  True equality requires true 


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