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Re: Scared of US; Where to relocate?
> > It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika
> > is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before
> > it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?
> Comet CypherPunk Bop-Shoo-Bop will be approaching close to earth
> in late 1999 to drop off Jesus and pick up the CypherPunks.
> We're meeting at Tim's place.
> {Anyone who makes it to the pick-up site get's a T-shirt that says,
> "Darwin was right!"}
A splinter group of cypherpunks will be taking a boat from Anguilla to the
volcanic island of Montserrat for a religious experience. The prophecy is
that at 2:33 during the afternoon of Feb 26th, 1998 the island will be
consumed by total darkness.
T-shirts expected. Watch http://fc98.ai/ for details.
-- Vince
Vincent Cate Offshore Information Services
Vince@Offshore.com.ai http://www.offshore.com.ai/
Anguilla, BWI http://www.offshore.com.ai/vince