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Re: Tim May's offensive racism (was: about RC4)

At 15:39 97/11/13 -0600, TruthMonger wrote:

>   I tried to tell my fellow CypherPunks that it was a mistake to 
> include that racist, white supremacist cypherpunks-j list in with 
> the other CDR lists, but they still let those slant-eyed white
> supremacists join our Mary band, skirts and all.

Actually, cypherpunks-j is not connected to the CDR lists.
I have made a local distribution of the cypherpunks list
called cypherpunks-e, but there currently only 2 subscribers.
I wonder why... ;-P

Cypherpunks-j and the meetings in Tokyo are focused more on
writing code and less on stroking and beating each other.

We were going to call the list something else, but Eric Hughes
attended one of our meetings and convinced us to call ourselves
cypherpunks... maybe that was a stupid decision.

But, I suppose chaos is good. For you and for us. It's always
nice to be reminded that racisms in the US is still alive
and active. Sometime I forget and almost identify with you

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 - Joi

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