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Re: [cpe:4284] Re: Tim May's offensive racism (was: about RC4)

At 09:02 97/11/14 -0700, Tim May wrote:
> At 9:12 AM -0700 11/14/97, Anonymous wrote:
> >At 11:42 PM 11/14/97 +0900, Joichi Ito wrote:
> "nsa nsa nsa nsa nsa..."
> Which explains why that Japanese-produced RSA chip was suddenly withdrawn
> from the market shortly after Jim Bidzos held it up in fron of Congress as
> an example of how foolish the U.S. export laws are. The Japanese stooges
> were ordered by their masters in Washington to conform to U.S. policy.
> --Tim May

True Tim, but we are working on ways of getting it shipped.

 - Joi

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