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Re: Tim May's offensive racism (was: about RC4)

Tim May-San says:
> At 6:54 PM -0700 11/14/97, Anonymous wrote:
> >It is astonishing that people like you [Paul "Fatmans" Bradley] and
> >William Geiger, who apparently make their living as consultants,
> Their likely clients don't given one whit what comments they may have made
> on mailing lists. 

Tim: Fatmans doesn`t have any clients.  He`s just a wannabe consultant.  
He`s actually an undergrad at some limey univesity, and has too much
time on his hands.

> Hell, their clients don't even care if they're card-carrying members
> of the KKK.

Yeah likely.

> >Even if you share Tim May's lack of moral constraint, you presumably do
> >not also share his wealth.  
> Sensitive flowers such as yourself need to move out of places like
> Amsterdam and get with the program.

Oooo another subtle suggestion that the Journeyman is the anonymous
