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Re: Tim May's offensive racism

> > >and liberty ethic. As for white supremacy, look elsewhere, I think you`ll
> > >find Tim`s post an example of what the developed world knows as humour,
> > >not a serious attack on any ethnic group.
> > 
> > Just so.
> Not so.  Tim is clearly a racist.

I do wish members of a list where I would expect the IQ and education of 
the people who post often to be higher than average would see through 
this politically correct BS, there is a difference between penning a 
mildly insulting humorous note to an idiot on a mailing list and being a 
card-carrying white supremacist. 

Nothing more to it...

        Datacomms Technologies data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk
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     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"