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Re: What Joichi *meant* to say was...

At 04:05 97/11/15 -0600, TruthMonger wrote:
> Joichi Ito, <[email protected]>, writes:

>   I wouldn't be so quick to call all racists stupid...remember, we
> can't be sure that was really Hitler's body they found, and people
> who set out to conquer the world don't usually take kindly to being
> called stupid.

>   Is it National Paint With A Wide Brush Day?
>   Did I miss the announcement? 
>   If all racists are stupid, are all liberals queer? Are we still 
> working that old, tired game?
OK. You're right. As several people have pointed out, not all racists
are stupid and not all stupid people are racists. I also agree that
Tim is non-stupid racist. (One of the worst kind.)

>   Is it my imagination, or is the rapid decline of the quality of posts
> to the list in the last few days a direct result of the ignorant and
> emotional posts by those complaining about the decline in the quality
> of the posts to the list?
>   Can you say, "Self-fulfilling prophecy?"...sure, you can...

I'm wouldn't call the recent posts ignorant, but I agree that the
I don't have much more to say about all of this so I'll shut up
until someone attacks me.

 - Joi

P.S. If the only thing Platypus has to make fun of me for is my
English ability, I'm flattered. ;-P

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