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Re: This judge needs killing
In <199711150145.CAA24285@basement.replay.com>, on 11/15/97
at 02:45 AM, Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM> said:
>Paul Bradley writes:
>>Judge David Selwood today sentenced 3 writers for the magazine "Green
>>Anarchist" to 3 years imprisonment each for their articles in the
>>magazine which he concluded incited others to break the law.
>>The magazine contained diaries for the previous months animal rights
>>activism events and contained articles generally favourable to the cause
>>of animal liberation.
>>Another judge who has richly earned the death penalty.
>Another example of the violent rhetoric which goes without comment on
>this list.
>The death penalty is completely inappropriate for this kind of crime. It
>should be reserved for the most serious of criminal actions, the most
>egregious murders, terrorism, genocide.
>An appropriate punishment for a judge who violates his oath of office and
>sentences someone wrongly to prison would be a prison sentence for the
>judge himself, some multiple of the unjust sentence.
>Calling for the death penalty for crimes which do not themselves involve
>killing only cheapens life. Before long you too will support shooting
>graffiti vandals and nuking London.
Well I can't say much for the UK AFAIK they have no constitutional
protections of free speech. Here in Amerika any elected offical or
government employee found to have willfully violated the Constution of the
United States of America should be put to death.
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