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Re: Tim May's offensive racism (was: about RC4)

At 08:54 PM 11/14/97 -0500, Anonymous wrote:
>It is astonishing that people like you and William Geiger, who apparently
>make their living as consultants, feel so comfortable publicly approving
>racist comments directed against the Japanese.  Does William expect ever
>to work with a Japanese customer, after suggesting that Truman should
>have dropped additional atomic bombs on Japan?
>Even if you share Tim May's lack of moral constraint, you presumably do
>not also share his wealth.  Pragmatic considerations alone should make
>you reluctant to be an apologist for racist comments, or in William's
>case to compound the error with shockingly offensive remarks of his own.

Actually, the beauty of modern capitalism is that there are so many customers for whatever it is one sells (or could sell) that you can say anything you want and not suffer economically for it (for very long).  Freedom, it's wonderful.