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Re: Racism: Wrong or incorrect?

At 6:38 AM -0700 11/15/97, Monty Cantsin wrote:

>Racism is one of those very interesting topics to discuss because
>large areas of the discussion are forbidden territory.

"Forbidden territory"? Not to me it isn't. I've seldom shied away from such
debate, except for a brief period in college when the local black
potentate, Judy McClellan, had her squad of black enforcers to beat up
anyone who spoke out against the black view on things. (Shades of Winnie
Mandela, multiple murderess.)

Since then I've acquired guns, and moved far away from where blacks
congregate in large numbers.

>Of course, what is most interesting about Tim's comments is that he
>appears to be out on the end of three bell curves in the United
>1. He does not believe (I think) that it is morally wrong to have a
>racist belief.
>2. He does not believe racist beliefs are a correct description of
>3. He says what he thinks.

You left out I.Q. and general common sense. As Hettinga would put it:  ":-)".

(Period moved outside of quotes, despite rules of grammar, to avoid
confusion with the smiley.)

In any case, yes, I write what I think. I worked long and hard to ensure
that I can say whatever I damned well please.

>Another curious aspect of the taboos on racial discussions is the
>weird racially defined double standard of conduct.  Black power is
>more or less an acceptable topic of discussion.  White power is
>absolutely not.  Why?

Indeed, the "Black Student Union" is acceptable, but the "White Student
Union" is not only nonexistent on U.S. campuses, but it would probably be
forcibly shut down by law enforcement, or lawuits (same difference, these

Ditto for "Black Studies." How many "Aryan Studies" programs do you see?

(I am well acquainted with the dominant leftist paradigm: "All fields,
espeically scientific fields, are expressions of the dominant whitemale
dead European cracker dominance of discourse. Marginalized peoples must
reclaim their voice by establishing safe havens for expression of their
racial and cultural aspirations.")

Seems some kinds of racism are more equal than others.

Fuck these racists.

--Tim May

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Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
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W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
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