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Re: Overcoming War by Making Friends

> Anonymous <[email protected]> wrote:
> Consider the benefit that the prevention of World War I would have
> brought the world.  Millions of people would not have died before

	I don't consider this a benefit. 

> their time.  Millions of other people would not have lead lives after
> the war of dejection and sorrow either due to their own direct
> involvement in the war or that of their friends and relatives.

	There would have been something else to cause them sorrow and 
	Then think of the thinks that we aquired during WW1. Weren't 
sulfates invented during that war? Also advances in Metallurgy and 

> Communism would probably not have arisen sparing the lives of
> millions.
	Communism was already around. IIRC Mr. Marx wrote his manifesto
during the 1800's.
> World War II would probably not have occurred again sparing the lives
> of millions.

	And sparing us from further development in the areas of Aviation,
and medicine as well as radio & cryptography. Weather predection &etc. 

> We would be living in a far wealthier and more peaceful world.

	Doubtful. If those millions had survived, and reproduced, then 
there would me more people to share somewhat limited resources. Also,
WWII gave us the GI Bill, which allowed many people who otherwise wouldn't
have had the funds or time to persue college educations. It also was a 
major factor in the womens liberation movement. 

> Here I am afraid we disagree.  The world has too many damned leaders!

	Nope. Not enough. Not until everyone is there own leader will
we have enough leaders. 

> Finally, your perception that there is an "emphasis on violence,
> killing, and death" is not accurate.  What is the cypherpunk body
> count?  Last I checked it was zero.  Out of the thousands of people

	I think attila & Jim Choate might have racked up a few.