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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism
At 09:39 PM 11/18/97 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>At 9:58 PM -0700 11/18/97, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>>Well at one time there was a demand for cheap labor by US industry that
>>supported the infux of immagrents. In modern times their is no such demand
>>( if there were we have plenty of bums on welfare that can fill this need)
>This is actually not the case. I live between Santa Cruz and Salinas and
>Monterey, home to some of the most fertile soil in the world (most of the
>lettuce, strawberries, artichokes, and other vegetables consumed in the
>U.S. is/are grown within 30 miles of me). Every day I see stoop laborers,
>up from Jalisco or Michuchan or other provinces, glad to make more in a few
>months here than they make in a few years back in Mexico.
>And every day I see bums, drifters, winos, layabouts, and derelicts,
>holding up their pathetic "Will work for food" signs. (Which are lies, of
>course. Anyone trying to get some decent work out of these bums will find
>I saw a great bumper sticker on the back of a truck filled with spray
>painting gear. Driven by a black guy, interesting enough. It said:
>"I _do_ work for food."
Which is precisely the issue. The US was and is dedicated to people
who will do what they can without restriction.
I'll take 38 wetback greasers who will work and escort every bum to
the Mexican border and be proud to call those beaners Americans. (Did I
overdo the namecalling?)
Just because those folks south of the border get their jollies
producing a dozen kids does not obligate me in the least. If they produce
productive people, fine. If they once show up in the frigging welfare line,
I'll show them the way to Mexico City not San Jose.
ONLY if they HATE welfare and public services are they welcome. If
there were such a filter at the border that worked both ways I would have it.
This is not pie in the sky platitudes. We do not live in the sky.
This is reality. It is real nasty down here. Wishes are not fact. Piety
ain't jack shit.
I appreciate the woman's desire for the best treatment for her
child at the moment of birth. But for the long term, if they like the US
system so damned much let them institute it in Mexico.
If they want the benefits of the US system them duplicate it in
Mexico. Do not ever pretend to wanting the best of both worlds where you
can have two digit offspring in Mexico and the US has to pay for it.
We need to get the message to them, that if you can't keep your fly
shut and your legs crossed the US is not liable for your prurient
interests, period, next question, over.
We do not give a rat's ass how many Vatican approved babies you
produce. your recourse is not in the US. If their damned economic system
will not support them, that is not the responsibility of the US and do not
really give a rat's ass if there are automatic weapons that kill on sight
at the border.
The US did not create Mexico's problems, Mexico did. If they need
guns to correct it, they know where to get them. If they like the Mexican
system (and we know they do) and want to use the US, reload those border
>>but there is a demand for cheap votes. The current Statest have been
>>watching their power base erroding over the years as more and more
>>Americans refuse to beleive thier socialist lies. The only way that they
>>can continue in power is to import new voters who are easier to hoodwink
>>and cheaper to buy. Confermation of this policy can be seen in the
>>behavior of the INS durring the last election cycle where large numbers of
>>immigrants were naturalized before the elections.
>By the way, this massive purchase of votes is now being rolled back.
>Immigration is planning to reverse many of these "instant citizenship"
>deals. Too late to have an effect on Clinton's '96 election, but nothing
>could have saved Dole.
Fornicate Dole and the elephant he rode in on.
The vote needs be a quid pro quo other than birth and living.
The 2nd guarantees all the rest.