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Re: Mad as Hell
Robert Hettinga, leaping logical chasms with a single bound, wrote:
> At 7:08 am -0500 on 11/14/97, frissell@panix.com wrote:
> > The phrase "capital crime" (literaly "head crime") just means "worst
> >crime".
> > It does not imply punishment. Punishment for capital crimes varies with
> >time
> > and place. Saying someone is guilty of an infamous crime is not a death
> > threat. It's not even a death threat to say, "I think X should be arrested,
> > tried by a court, and gassed." You are merely expressing opinions about
> > criminal guilt and perhaps capital punishment but you are not making a
> > threat.
> Tim says we're going to war. He says that a judge commits a capital crime,
> by whatever definition he, or you, choose to use. Most people, and it
> doesn't have to be you, or me, or even Tim himself, would call that a
> threat, and, in the above case, against a judge.
Get real, begins-with-a-'b'-ends-with-a-'b'.
Every President in recent history has committed capital crimes.
that out can hardly be considered some kind of threat, since we all know
that they have always done so, and will continue to do so, with
A 'threat' would be to imply that anyone assassinating a judge or a
President would get to sleep with Jody Foster.
The mainstream press is pushing the smoking-gun confirmation of Tricky
Dicky Nixy as a multiple-felon as "News" <har-har-snicker-snicker>.
The millions of people who recognized his treason against the nation,
despite the lies of our politicians and press, could hardly be seen as
'threatening' ElTrickster, since I don't know anyone who thought he was
worth wasting a bullet on.
As a matter of fact, I believe that a Peephole's Kourt in Kalifornia
tried Tricky Dicky, found him guilty, and sentenced him to live the
rest of his life as himself. (Cruel and unusual punishment?)