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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism
In <[email protected]>, on 11/19/97
at 09:35 PM, Anonymous <[email protected]> said:
>Actually, many studies have found that immigrants, legal and illegal,
>make a net positive contribution to the economy, even considering their
>access to government services.
Yes and 4 out of 5 doctors in an independent study prefer Buffren. Would
you care to back this up with some actual facts.
>Anyone who has worked with these people
>knows that most of them work harder than native born Americans.
>Even aside from the strictly economic balance sheets, giving these people
>the opportunity to succeed in a free country is a significant moral
>benefit which must count in favor of free immigration.
I think it would be a significant moral benefit for these people to work
towards making their own countries free thereby giving all their
countrymen the opportunity to succeed rather than the few who manage to
slip under the wire.
>They also serve to make our country more multi-cultural, with greater
>awareness and appreciation of the value of alternate customs and
>lifestyles. We develop "hybrid vigor", as our culture is cross
>fertilized by elements from all around the world. The result is an
>incredibly dynamic and flexible culture, which is why the United States
>will continue to be a world leader for the next century.
What a bunch of liberal claptrap. Are they actually teaching this crap in
school nowadays??
>Of course, this gift of diversity causes immigrants to be hated and
>feared by racists such as Tim May, who sees them only as targets to mock
>with threats of murder:
Call 911 as some one has stolen your sense of humor.
>> Ironically, the authorities are refusing to enforce the immigration laws.
>> This is why the militias here in California have been forced to deal with
>> illegal immigrants in the only way left to them. (There's a hunt in
>> Imperial Valley this coming Saturday.)
- --
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