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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism

Yipee!  The know-nothings are back and vehement about it.
At 10:08 PM 11/19/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>In <[email protected]>, on 11/19/97 
>   at 12:49 PM, Brian the Obscure <[email protected]> said:
>>At 10:46 AM 11/19/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>>>In <[email protected]>, on 11/19/97 
>>>   at 10:57 AM, Brian the Obscure <[email protected]> said:
>>>>At 08:12 PM 11/18/97 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>>>>>Ironically, the authorities are refusing to enforce the immigration laws.
>>>>>This is why the militias here in California have been forced to deal with
>>>>>illegal immigrants in the only way left to them. (There's a hunt in
>>>>>Imperial Valley this coming Saturday.)
>>>>>--Tim May
>>>>Now that's a tasteful bit of humor, if I do say so myself.
>>>>It's so nice to know that being lucky enough to be born in the U.S.
>>>>authorizes us to look down on and hey, advocate killing those who aren't
>>>>so fortunate.
>>><sigh> I can hear the violins playing in the background.
>>Hey, it beats the stomping of jackboots and shouts of 'Sig Heil!'
>>>This is no different than shooting a burglar that has broken into your
>>>house and is robbing it. I think that you are missing a basic concept that
>>>it is not their country!! If where they are at is such a miserable
>>>shithole then maybe they should do somthing to fix their country rather
>>>than comming here and attempt to make it yet another miserable shithole.
>>Of course, you have an unimpeachable claim, although 'Geiger the III' is
>>a rather odd last name for an American Indian.
>My impeachable claim is I am here and they are not. I see no reason why I
>or anyone else should sit idly by and watch the SouthWest be turned into a
>Mexican colony. You bring up the American Indians, it is interesting to
>note that if they had bothered to stand up against the European invaders
>and defended their boarders from the begining they more then likely would
>still be running the place.
>"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
>>>It is not the fault of America that Mexico is the shithole that it is.
>>>Perhaps if they were to overthrow their corrupt government and replaced it
>>>with one based on freedom (both political and economic) there would be no
>>>need for them to come here in the first place. California, New Mexico,
>>>Arizona, and Texas should not be the release valve for a corrupt Mexican
>>>government so they can continue to rape their country and leave their
>>>citizens in poverty.
>>Lets see.  Are you aware of how Texas, California, and New Mexico came to
>>be part of the US?  Probably doesn't matter - those dang furriners had no
>>right to the lands they lived on anyway, once the U.S. decided it wanted
>So are you suggesting we give it back? Perhaps everyone should just pack
>up and go back to Europe or Asia or Africa and give it all back to the
>Indians? Of course you do know that the "Native Americans" that were in
>North America at the time Europeans started to colonize North America were
>not the "original" humans here. There were actually several waves of
>humans coming over the Siberia-Alaska land bridge over a long period of
>time. I am sure that the peace loving "Native Americans" wouldn't think of
>conquering lands occupied by others now would they??
>>I don't find it at all surprising that people who live in a 'shithole'
>>want to leave.  It is easy for you to suggest that they overthrow their
>>government - after all, you won't be the one facing a Mexican prison.  
>Personally I could care less what they do. It's not my problem it is
>theirs. It is their responsibility to fix their problems. 
>>This is going way off topic at this point, and I am at fault for starting
>>it.  I was just distressed at how rapidly this list seems to be turning
>>towards hate and bigotry.  Lets take it to email.
>There is no hatred or bigotry involved in my position. I am really
>apathetic towards the Mexicans. They can go and do whatever they want so
>long as they are not doing it here. The same goes for the Germans, French,
>Ethiopians, Iraqies, Iraelies, Australians, Japanizes, et. al. 
>I don't care what my neighbor does in his house so long as he doesn't try
>comming over and doing it in mine.
>- -- 
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>William H. Geiger III  http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii
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