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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism

> >Of course, you have an unimpeachable claim, although 'Geiger the III' is
> >a rather odd last name for an American Indian.
William H. Geiger III:
> My impeachable claim is I am here and they are not. I see no reason why I
> or anyone else should sit idly by and watch the SouthWest be turned into a
> Mexican colony.

You are here, and they are not?  Then what's the problem?  I thought you 
had a problem with the fact that they ARE "here"!

> >I don't find it at all surprising that people who live in a 'shithole'
> >want to leave.  It is easy for you to suggest that they overthrow their
> >government - after all, you won't be the one facing a Mexican prison.  
William H. Geiger III:
> Personally I could care less what they do.

This is simply and obviously not the case.  You do care what they do.  If 
not, you wouldn't express such violent feelings towards them.

> >This is going way off topic at this point, and I am at fault for starting
> >it.  I was just distressed at how rapidly this list seems to be turning
> >towards hate and bigotry.  Lets take it to email.
William H. Geiger III:
> There is no hatred or bigotry involved in my position. I am really
> apathetic towards the Mexicans. They can go and do whatever they want so
> long as they are not doing it here.

By the way, what do you mean by "here"?

William H. Geiger III:
> The same goes for the Germans, French,
> Ethiopians, Iraqies, Iraelies, Australians, Japanizes, et. al. 
> I don't care what my neighbor does in his house so long as he doesn't try
> comming over and doing it in mine.

Oh, now I understand.  You mentioned the southwest U.S.A. earlier.  
Obviously you have a house in the U.S.A. southwest, and some furners are 
on your property.  I suggest you contact your local police, or perhaps a 
private security firm would do a better job for you.

Jon Galt
e-mail:  [email protected]
website:  http://www.pinn.net/~jongalt/
PGP public key available on my website.