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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:

> In <[email protected]>, on 11/20/97 
>    at 04:41 PM, Duncan Frissell <[email protected]> said:
> >At 10:08 PM 11/19/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> >>My impeachable claim is I am here and they are not. I see no reason why I
> >>or anyone else should sit idly by and watch the SouthWest be turned into a
> >>Mexican colony. 
> >Move North.
> Hmmm just like the Indians should have moved West?
> >What are your grounds for restricting the rights of your neighbors to 
> >contract with Mexicans or whoever else they care to?  Buy, sell, hire,
> >rent,  etc.
> When you have +1,000,000 Mexicans comming across the boarder a year that
> is called an Invasion. When the Federal Government refuses to defend the
> boarders and forces the citizens of the states to aid in this invasion
> this is called Treason.

I feel your pain, William ;-)

I suggest we take this discussion towards a more constructive approach.

Lets just start a country in cypherspace.  I'll come up with a nice
serialized certificate of citizenship available in PDF format, suitable
for framing.  With your PDF cert comes a client-side certificate and
membership.  All this for only $1. 

Whats that I hear you say?

"I'd buy that for a dollar!"

And that's not all!

All you have to do is volunteer to spam the correct legislators
with pro-crypto lobbying.  Enlist to defend cypherspace.

Remember, enlistment guarantees citizenship!

(ahem...now back to your regularly scheduled silliness)
