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Re: And your little dog, too
At 12:39 AM 11/23/1997 +0100, doormouse wrote Anonymously:
>>Wasn't that a TOTO forgery, rather than igor himself?
>I use Eudora, it doesn't show full headers,
>when I suspect a forgery I need to save it to disk and
>use a text editor to check full headers.
>Have I missed an easy way to configure eudora to show full headers?
Which Eudora version are you using?
Eudora Light (and Pro, of course) have always let you see the headers,
if you'll work your way through the Tools->Options menus.
Under 3.x, the message reading window has a "Blah Blah Blah"
button to let you turn display of headers on and off easily.
I've configured my filters so that mail with obvious Toto headers in it
gets the Subject: line flagged so I notice it faster.
Bill Stewart, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
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