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Re: Mondex help needed

At 12:16 AM +0100 11/24/1997, Lucky Green wrote:
>I just received one of the Chase Manhattan Mondex cards. Since I've been
>doing a bit of work with smartcards lately
><https://www.cypherpunks.to/scard/>, I'd like to take an extended look at
>this card.
>The task would be much easier if I had one or several of the following:
>o Mondex card Programer Reference Manual. Somebody on this list must have
>access to one.

Yes, I'd be interested in seeing a copy.  Better yet, I'd be nice is a copy was posted on Eternity.

>o Protocol specifications. Even partial specs would be helpful.

Ditto to above.

>o Any PC software that talks RS-232 to a reader that is meant to hold a
>Mondex card. And of course the reader. If the reader work with non-Mondex
>cards, all the better, because that probably means that the reader is
>generic and the commands can be reverse engineered and emulated.

I talked with Bret Tobay, Tritheim Technology, (813) 943-8684, a Mondex certified developer at COMDEX.  They have a complete line of SC readers (SmartPort DT and LT) and software.  Development kit $495.

BTW, also had a very interesting discussion with the Chipper folks at COMDEX.
