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Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism
> >> Not a damned thing. While in this country they are in the act of
> >> committing a crime.
> >And who is it that gets to decide what is a "crime" and what is not?
> It would appear to me that an illegal in the country is as much in
> the act of committing a crime as a burglar is while in a place other than
> his own.
I don't dispute this. If a "crime" is defined as whatever the
politicos/bureaucrats/hoodlums say it is, then a "crime" is certainly
being committed. (Of course there is another definition of crime.)
> >The
> >politicos, the bureaucrats, the hoodlums in DC and elsewhere who think
> >they have the right to run the lives of everybody else.
> The politicians are responding to voters. The voters who are
> pressuring them are siding with foreign nationals against the interests of
> the United States which is presumed to be their new country of loyalty.
"If voting could change anything, it would have been outlawed long ago."
Not strictly true. But if I vote or don't vote...well it's just about
the same difference as whether I buy a lottery ticket or not.
Don't vote - it only ENCOURAGES them!
> That siding should be sufficient justification remove citizenship and
> return them to the land of dysentary and mui Ninos.
Citizenship, Schmitizenship. Granted I don't want to renounce my
citizenship - at least not at the moment. But the whole game of riling
up people's emotions about "citizenship" and "patriotism" is just a bread
and circuses ruse to keep us focused on something other than what the
professional control freaks are doing to us.
> >Again I ask the question:
> >What gives the hoodlums in Washington DC the right to draw a line on a
> >map and control people's travel across that line?
> The people who made handgun ownership a felony gave them that right.
The people who made handgun ownership a felony should be sent down a dark
alley without any means of self-defense. Perhaps they would gain a small
glimmer of understanding of the real issues - unless they already
understand that they are the hoodlums around the corner in the dark
alley. In that case....
> Lawmakers are resonsible for all foreseeable consequences not just
> the intended consequences.
Lawmakers can hardly be held responsible for tying their own shoes! I
suspect you had your satire mode on full when you wrote this.
> -=-=-
> The 2nd guarantees all the rest.
Jon Galt
e-mail: jongalt@pinn.net
website: http://www.pinn.net/~jongalt/
PGP public key available on my website.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.