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Re: Jim Bell's Sentencing Delayed Again

> Of course, it would be difficult to wash away all the FUD the government
> has disseminated about the Bell case by now.  Still, I think sloshing the
> IRS with a bit of the excrement they have been dispensing to the press
> might not be a bad move.  Perhaps a noisy statement about the Bell case at
> one of those public meetings the IRS has been commanded to hold to discuss
> its past abuses might be a good place to start.

Not so difficult.  Remember that Bell stink-bombed those offices
allegedly.  This could easily be seen as a teenage-mentality prank.
Play that part up, and the ludicrousness of everything else he was
"schemeing", and it makes the IRS look very very bad.  They are pushing
the bad ass terrorist view of him.  We need to push the "he was a
misguided kid" or "this was all fantasy" bit.  Hell everyone whose ever
dealt with the IRS can sympathise with his desire to stink bomb them.

The big bad thing is that they haven't yet sentenced him.  If they do,
it'll be very bad for him, however, it will be that much worse for the
IRS (perhaps another reason for the delays, or it could be they need to
break him so he confesses terrorist plots first...) it can generate "IRS
throws Bevis like kid in Jail for Stink Bombing" headlines.  (Sure, he's
no kid, but make him look like one.)

Perhaps a timeline article of all of the IRS's abuses with this one as the
final point would add to the fuel...

How do we further force them into that position?

> "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"
Love is the law,
Love under will. (Taxed by the IRS at 30% of course.) 

.+.^.+.|  Ray Arachelian    |Prying open my 3rd eye.  So good to see |./|\.
..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com|you once again. I thought you were      |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run  |\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin,  |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were....            |.....
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