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Re: Update On Jim Bell


on or about 971124:1927, in <>, 
    John Young <jya@pipeline.com> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

>In short, on November 17 Jim's attorney (D') and the prosecutor
>(P') submitted Sentencing Memoranda to the Court. On November
>21 (the previously scheduled sentencing date), D' presented a 
>Supplement to Sentencing Memo. Both of D's memos were 
>Filed Under Seal, but not the P's.
    if the public defender's brief is filed under seal, it generally
    discusses what the defendent has passed the government --in other
    words: snitching on others in affairs related to the defendent or
    even the names of people who the defendent feels might be part of
    the overall problem to the government --sounds like most any active
    cypherpunk to me as there are not too many happy with the government's
    actions on amendments 1,2,4,5,6,8,10,14 for a starter. by the time
    F{reeh,uck} gets through, there will be no bill of rights --Orwell
    was a piker.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
