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Re: [RePol] Denizen

Rabid Wombat <[email protected]> writes:

> > [I've verified that Dave filters out "poltically incorrect" messages sent
> > to the cypherpunks list, while permitting harrassment of Dr. Grubor]
> Harrasment of Dr. Grubor will be a demonstration sport during the next
> Olympic Winter Games.

To verify that Dave Smith filters the contents he doesn't like (and assumes
full responsibility for the content he does pass through), conduct this
simple experiment: try sending an ASCII art article criticial of Timmy
Mayonaise via Dave Smith's bureau42 remailer and see if it shows up.

For example:

To: [email protected]

Request-Remailing-To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: RSA patent

Timmy C[...] May is a slant-eyed, rice-gibbling jap in a redneck disguise.

            /    |     \
           /     *      \
          (      @@      )
          /   _/-||-\_   \
         /   '/  ||  \`   \
        /    /   ()   \    \
       /    /|        |\    \
       /   / |        | \   \
      /   / /  o    o  \ \   \
     /   /  (          )  \   \
     <_ ' `--`___'`___'--' ` _>
    /  '~~---   / = \  ---~~`  \
,,,/  /        (  v  )       \  \,,,
\ /  /        @|-' '-|@       \  \ /
 \__/          //////          \__/

Dave Smith bends over for Gary Burnore, Paul Pomes, and the rest
of the Databasix gang.


<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM</a>
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps