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Re: Freemen and Serfs
At 11:36 AM 11/30/1997 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>And look for "copyright violators" to be sold to the public as a Fifth
>Horsemen. It may be a tough sell, claiming that those who sell CD-ROMs of
>Microsoft Office in Bangkok for $10 are on a par with nuclear terrorists,
It's not a tough sell at all, just a different sell.
Rather than terrorizing businesses about NuclearNarcoPornoChildTerrorists,
you encourage them into supporting Insured Key Management Hierarchies and
Subpoenable Encryption, giving them protection against Intellectual
Property Bandits at the minor cost of their own security,
so _they_ won't get in the way of terrorizing the public,
because they've got their business cases covered.
Bill Stewart, [email protected]
Regular Key PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639