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Join The Online Goldrush!

To be removed from this list send an e-mail message to

                     40,000,000+ E-MAIL ADDRESSES

                              ******* $299.00 *******

                *** See below on how to get'm for $100 *** 


CD with 45,000,000+ e-mail addresses separated by domain name.
All addresses are simple text format, one per line. Addresses 
from the following domains: Pipeline, MSN, MCI, Juno, Delphi, 
Genie, AOL, Compuserve, Internet, .com & .net, millions of them!
Note: Not available on disk or by download.

===>  Want the 40,000,000 million addresses for $100.00??!!!!

Just download our Floodgate "GOLDRUSH CLOAKING STEALTH 
MAILER" demo version. Try it for yourself, buy it, and the 
addresses are yours for just $150.00!!  Purchase Floodgate and 
30 session Goldrush and get 45,000,000 "Money Making" addresses 
for only $100.00!


If you want to make money on the Internet you must send out large 
amounts of email, millions to make the big money and get a fast 

We have made hundreds of thousands of $$$ selling on the Internet 
using bulk e-mail as our only source of income and now you can do 
the same.  

These 45,000,000 addresses for sale consist of: America Online, 
Compuserve, Earthlink, Netcom, Genie, Delphi and many others.  
There are no duplicates.

Your addresses will be delivered to you in simple text files that 
any bulk e-mailing program can use on CD Rom.   Eudora, Pegasus, 
E-mail Magnet, Stealth, E-mail Contact, Floodgate and all the 
others will be able to use these e-mail addresses as soon as you 
receive them. You can begin making money immediately.

Because the files are on CD-ROM, they do not have to be zipped in 
order save space. 

Why should you waste your time looking up codes to unzip your 
address files when you could be making money?    

That is why our CD will contain no password protection or zipped 
files. They are truly ready to be mailed.

This list of 40 million prospects can be yours for the amazingly 
low price of only $299.00 or only $150.00 if you purchase our 


Send your email with the Floodgate GoldRush Cloaking Stealth Mailer.
This program will protect your email address while sending your mail 
at speeds of up to 250,000 messages per hour (28.8 connection). 

As you may be aware, many of the onlines have implemented filters 
that block domains that send more than 15-20 messages thru their 
system.  GoldRush gets through everytime!! No other mailer can make 
that claim as GoldRush is the ONLY stealth mailer that gets through 
all the blocks, everytime!

Here are some of the features designed into this major release. 
GoldRush is pure stealth.  


      ** If you've lost one too many accounts, this new 
      mailer can completely hide the account of origin.   
      This is done by replacing the Message-Id. Without 
      the Message-Id, your ISP CANNOT trace a message 
      back to you! Both AOL and Compuserve have been 
      avidly blocking bulk email. At this point only
      a dribble of mail is getting through. Goldrush 
      cloaking gets through every time!

      ** Can handle any size mailing list, 5 million,
      40 million, etc., any size.
      ** Can be set to do partial mailings. 

      ** Can multi-task so you can send up to 250,000 
      emails an hour by using up to 30 sessions on a
      single telephone line! 

      ** Provides user defineable "From:"  addresses.

      ** Can randomly generate "From:"  addresses when
      necessary. The ONLY stealth on the market that can 
      get through AOL and Compuserve blocks everytime, the 
      ONLY one.  

      ** Automatically seeds the mailing, as defined by your

      ** Uses a maximum of 500 different SMTP servers.

      ** Automatically maintains your SMTP server list to
      use only the fastest servers. 

      ** Can distribute your mailing evenly among all servers 
         on your preferred list.
      ** Much, much more!!

      ** Goldrush works on Windows 3.1, 3.11 or 95.

      ** This software and method of advertising is legal in
      all 50 states.
      ** Includes 1/2 hour of tech support, free!

      ** Price, a low $399.00!!


Please print out this order form and then fill in the blanks....

___Please send me 45 million email addresses for a total price of 
   $299.00.  Add $15.00 for overnight  shipping.
___I am ordering the 45 million within 5 days. Please include my 
   free demo copy of the most powerful bulk email software 
   available,    GoldRush Cloaking Stealth Mailer. Total cost is 
   $299.00.  Add $15 for overnight Fedex shipping.

___Send me the registered 30 session version of Floodgate's 
   $15.00 for overnight shipping. 

           *************SPECIAL BONUS OFFERS**************

___I want the super deal!! Send me the registered version of 
   GoldRush 30 session Cloaking Stealth Mailer and 40,000,000 
   addresses. My total cost is $499.00, plus $15.00 for overnight

___I want the "Granddaddy" deal of them all!!  Send me everything, 
   the registered 30 session version of GoldRush Cloaking Stealth 
   Mailer,  40 million email addresses, and Floodgate, the World 
   Famous Bulk E-Mail Loader.  Regular low price is $1,199.00.  
   Recent sale price was $999.00. I understand that I will save 
   $600.00 and pay only $599.00 if I order within 5 days!! Free 
   overnight shipping! ***At this price the addresses are FREE!!
**Foreign orders must be in US funds.

**Please select one of the following for shipping..

____I would like to receive my package OVERNIGHT. I'm including 
$15 for shipping.  Foreign orders add $25

____I would like to receive my package 2 DAY delivery. I'm including 
$10 for shipping. Foreign orders add additional $25.

YOUR NAME____________________________________________

COMPANY NAME_________________________________________

YOUR POSITION_________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS________________________________________

CITY, STATE, ZIP______________________________________

PHONE NUMBERS_________________________________________

FAX NUMBERS___________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESSES_______________________________________

We accept Checks, Money Orders and Visa, MasterCard, American 
Express or Discover.  

Please send all order forms and check, money order or credit card
authorization to:

Gulf Coast Marketing
8867 Highland Rd. Suite 112
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

or call 504-757-1686 for answers to questions and same day service.

or fax your check or credit card authorization to 504-757-9988


Today's date:

Visa____MasterCard____American Express____Discover____

Account #:

Expiration date:

Name on card:

Billing address: 

Am't to be charged: $



                    If you are faxing a check make it payable to:

                                     Gulf Coast Marketing

                   and tape it right here after printing this order form

                               fax your check to 504-757-9988


---------------------- Headers --------------------------------
>From 51620368@aol.com  Sun Aug  3 18:21:01 1997
Return-Path: <51620368@aol.com>
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