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29 Million Fresh E-Mail Addresses for only $35 !!!


          Yes, we have 29 Million  FRESH email addresses that we will sell for only
$35. They are all sorted and ready to be mailed.  That is the best deal anywhere
today ! Imagine selling a product for only $5 and getting  only a 1/10% response.
That's  $1,450,000  in your pocket !!! Don't believe it?
          These 29 Million email addresses are yours to keep, so you can use them
over and over. We also include the stealth mailer - this is a full version of the
incredibly fast mailing program that hides your email address when you send
mail so no one will find out where it came from and you won't lose your dial up
account. The stealth mailer  is an incredible program and absolutly FREE
with your order !

Print this E-Mail, fill the order form.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                ORDER FORM

Enclosed is my payment of  $35.00    ____Check    ____Money order

Name______________________  Address_______________________

______________________________State____ Zip Code___________

E-Mail address_____________________/_______________________
                                         Please print twice

               * Make Check/Money order payable, and mail the form to:

                                       M.I.R. CONSULTING, INC.

                        4334 MATILIJA AVENUE, STE 215, DEPT. 27
                                       SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91423