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We have many great products and programs, which benefit the Internet
Marketer. If we have reached you in error and you don't wish to receive
future mail from us, double click the reply to address and type remove as the subject.  
Your address will be removed immediately!!

________________Don't Buy Target Email Lists!!________________

Create your own target lists with, with the same tools the professionals use!!

GEOLISTtm Version 1.0 Beta 3     Geographical Email Address Collector   
GeoList 1.0 lets you create geographically targeted email address lists without knowing a thing
about URLS or HTML. With this powerful new collector, target any city, in any state! then click extract!
GeoList will start gathering addresses automatically!! Watch as the list of e-mail addresses appears!

This is the same program the professionals use to gather and sell their own target lists!!

Build an entire Nation wide marketing campaign by state, or specific city.
GeoList will make it easier than ever, with its powerful multithreaded program.

Download the demo and try it! Once you see GeoList in action, you will buy it!
You can purchase GeoList  and within 30 to 60 seconds after purchase have a registered 
FUNCTIONAL program!!  
We have a user friendly "SUPER FAST" secure order-processing system!!!

To download the free demo send e-mail to   hamr@great-mail.com   Geolist Demo as subject

 DejaVuTM   Version 1.0     Collect Address from the History of the NewsGroups! 

Introducing a completely new target oriented email collection software linked directly to Deja News. 
Use DejaVu to automate your collection from Deja News, a complete historical archive of anyone who 
ever posted to a newsgroup!  30 to 60 seconds and you are a registered user!!
Millions of Newsgroup Articles to search!
You can choose to search through recent (last two months) articles, or articles dating back to 1995. 
 Simply enter a keyword to search with and press go!
To download the free demo send e-mail to hamr@great-mail.com    DejaVu Demo as subject

 SonicTM  Version 1.0 build 6     Multi-Tasking Email Address Collector     

The Sonic is an all-in-one, Web collection tool, that includes TargetSmart� Technology, 30 Second 
Registration, and Multiple SearchToggle. Let us again say, the added benefit behind Multi-threading,
a process which lets you capture and extract your targeted search results at staggering speeds.
Sonic is... Multi-Threaded 
       Enter a keyword and Sonic will search the Internet!!
       Ability to search multiple sites simultaneously. 
       Search any one of 9 different search engines, or search them ALL simultaneously!

To download the free demo send e-mail to hamr@great-mail.com Sonic Demo as subject

Looking for Mailers? Download, NetContact, Stealth, Mach10  
Send e-mail to hamr@great-mail.com     Mailer demos as subject.

When you purchase our software you receive at no additional cost;
1. Mr. Clean e-mail filter. Process 100,000 address files through 32 filters in 36 seconds!!
2. Our CD of 28 million addresses, updated as of 11/7/97. The best list available.

All software is sold with tech support. We will take the time to walk you through the process
step by step.