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Challenge to Toto [was: It's Sunday]
on or about 971207:0948, in <[email protected]>,
TruthMonger <[email protected]> was purported to have
expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:
[snip the beer, etc.]
> After spending what might be considered an inordinate amount of
> time seeking an ISP which will allow me to put a picture on my web site of
> Bill Gates blowing me and fucking a Jew while I am naked, I consider myself
> somewhat of an unofficial expert on freedom of speech.
> To badly paraphrase Harry Browne, "You have a right to say
> whatever your mom and dad don't slap you silly (and send you to
> bed without your supper) for saying."
well, let's call for cards on the table. I have Toto's
Fantasy Island dream world all set to go. all it needs is
this picture to substitute for the hardcore I found by
trying Alta Vista's family search with 'fuckin porn'
--everything nicely bound in scrapbook form, etc.
access toto's Fantasy Island "dream come true" via the
yellow circle with 'toto' in the left sidebar next to
another surprise with an automatic window and jump. touch
old cigar face robber baron and you'll find some of my Gate$
rants; other rants off the topbar.
if nothing else, enjoy the feelthie pictures and wait for
toto to answer the challenge so I can replace the pictures
in the stock dream with the real thing. the old goose is
waiting to fly you out to the unctious pair.
well, how about it, toto? --cough the pics up!
we're all anxious to see your conquest.
fight censorship, feelthie pictures and all.
Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be