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Re: Is Anonymous Communication only for "Criminals"? (was: Re: UCENET II and Peter duh Silva)

At 10:36 97/12/20 -0500, Rabid Wombat wrote:

> More like simple economics; after the breakup, a lot of pay phones were 
> operated by companies specializing in this type of service. Pay phones 
> are high maintenance, and their operators can only turn a profit by 
> charging very high rates; if you make a quick call and ask the other 
> party to call you back at the pay phone, the pay phone operator doesn't 
> make much money.
> Can you site any legislation barring pay phones from receiving calls? I'd 
> think that most pay phone operators would be glad to deny incomming calls 
> if they were allowed to (as they often are), and wouldn't need to be forced.

Can't a pay phone operator get paid a portion of incoming calls as well?
If they can set outgoing rates to be very high, couldn't they set their
incoming rates as well? (This is not an opinion, but a question.)
I do know that depending on the arrangement, phone companies either
carry all incoming call for free or cross bill incoming minutes to each other.

 - Joi

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