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Re: Freedom Forum report on the State of the First Amendment
> You are not being coerced into anything. If you don't want to serve
> food to Blacks, don't open a restaurant. It's your choice.
I really hate having to go over and over basic points, but will do in the
hope of bringing even a tiny glimmer of enlightenment to you:
If you don`t want to serve food to blacks, open and restaurant and refuse
to serve blacks in it, put a sign on the door saying "whites only,
no niggers please", if blacks try to force you to serve them in your
restaurant protect your rights by killing them. Simple as that.
> By the way, you are also not allowed to dump toxic waste in your own
> backyard. Are you being oppressed?
Dumping toxic waste in my back yard will kill my neighbours.
How does refusing to hire blacks or any other group harm anyone but
myself (in terms of trade levels)?
> > Colin, do you consider
> > yourself oppressed when someone choses not to date you? What about
> > a rejection by someone who takes out a public advertisement in the paper?
> Nope. Of course, this has nothing to do with anything.
On the contrary it is an entirely analagous situation, someone is
choosing not to associate with you, do you go crying to the govt.
claiming you didn`t get a fair shake because sarah in accounts wouldn`t
fuck you at the office christmas party?
> With freedom comes responsibility. Decency is one of them.
With freedom comes responsibility not to infringe someone elses rights, I
infringe no-one elses rights by refusing to hire them...
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