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BOOK: Forthcoming - J Gray, _Hayek on Liberty 3rd edition_

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Date:         Sat, 3 Jan 1998 13:34:30 EST
Reply-To: Hayek Related Research <HAYEK-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU>
Sender: Hayek Related Research <HAYEK-L@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU>
From: Gregransom <Gregransom@AOL.COM>
Organization: AOL (http://www.aol.com)
Subject:      BOOK: Forthcoming - J Gray, _Hayek on Liberty 3rd edition_

>>  Hayek Web  <<

Routledge -- Hayek's publisher in England and on the Continent of Europe,
on the Web at:


>From the Routledge Web site:

"_Hayek on Liberty Third Edition_

John Gray, Jesus College, University of Oxford

Published by Routledge
ISBN/ISSN: 0-415-17315-9

>From the previous edition: ...

"In Hayek on Liberty John Gray treats Hayek primarily as a philosopher. His
book is analytical, not hagiographical, and almost certainly the best book on
the subject.' - Samuel Brittan, Financial Times

'The most generally accessible book on Hayek so far.' - Anthony Quinton,
Times Higher Education Supplement

Hayek's achievements in social and political philosophy are increasingly
receiving full recognition. _Hayek on Liberty 3rd Edition_ is a concise yet
exhaustive and provoking study of this classic liberal philosopher which
examines the structure and impact of his system of ideas and locates his
position within Western philosophy. Not available since the 1980s this
up-dated 3rd edition contains a postscript which assesses how far the
historical developments of the last ten years can be deployed in a critique
of Hayek's thought. This book will contribute to a much needed wider
debate on the future of conservatism.

192 pages
Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches; 216 x 138 mm
Status: Coming Soon"

Hayek on the Web is a regular feature of the Hayek-L list.

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