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Why some people are making nerve gases and such to defendthemselves

At 6:19 PM -0800 1/3/98, Lucky Green wrote:

>What you really want is the ability to slow down the mobility of the raid
>force while making your exit. In a prolonged siege, the attacker will
>always win.  A good way of slowing down the attacker after an initial
>armed response is to deploy chemicals. A combination of Tabun and Mustard
>Gas works best, but don't deploy them at the same time. Use the Tabun
>first for maximium impact. Follow up with the Mustard Gas a few minutes
>later. The underground irrigation systems common on California properties
>are ideal means of gas deployment. You should be able to retrofit the
>system for under $500. Assuming you already have the gas. Of course you
>need to make sure to keep a chem suit at home.

In an age where it is accepted (and unpunished) behavior for the black-clad
ninja warriors to shoot through pregnant women, to burn children to death
in the name of publicity for the BATF, to raid the home of a woman who
refused to answer questions of the State psychiatric police, to shoot to
death a retired doctor who the raiders accidentally hit, and on and on,
other measures are needed.

(In none of these cases have the guilty parties been punished. If the State
will not restrain itself, other measures will be needed.)

This may well be why militias and survivalist groups are so actively
developing chemical and biological agents. (I hear that even some of the
dopers in the hills have gotten interested in Sarin release systems. Hoo

Sad, but maybe one has to fight fire with fire. If a hundred SWAT
stormtroopers surround a compound and prepare to burn it down, releasing
the countermeasures may be needed.

In fact, leaking (no pun intended) word that a home has CBW deadman
switches may make the ninjas a bit less trigger-happy.

--Tim May, whose house is _not_ booby-trapped with Sarin, or Tabun, or
anything else, but who will defend to his death his right to talk as he
wishes about such things.

The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^2,976,221   | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."