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Japanese bank rifled by cyber-thieves [CNN]

Forwarded message:

>    Cyber-thieves target Sakura
>    Data stolen from bank's computers leaked to Tokyo mailing-list vendor
>    January 5, 1998: 8:10 a.m. ET
>    Sakura seeks restructuring - Dec. 30, 1997
>    [IMAGE]
>    Sakura Bank
>    More related sites... TOKYO (Reuters) - Cyber-criminals rifled
>    confidential computer records of a major Japanese bank and stole
>    information on customers' names, telephone numbers, addresses and even
>    birthdays, the bank said Monday.
>    [INLINE] Sakura Bank Ltd. said data on up to 20,000 of its 15 million
>    individual customers could have been stolen and that it had confirmed
>    that files on at least 37 then were leaked to a mailing-list vendor in
>    Tokyo.

[text deleted]

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   |                                                                    |
   |                                          John F. Kennedy           |
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