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Re: cypherpunks and guns

> >that by 100 million armed citizens and you see that armed civilian
> >resistance *can* defeat an occupying army.
> The "enemy within" seems to be the main focus of the discussions in 
> the CP list. When the 'luckless squad that happens your way' is 
> manned by your countrymen at the command of their (and your) 
> government, what then?

	You answered your own question. Fight smarter, not harder. Kill
the brains and the body would follow. 

> This is from the standpoint of a 'sissy' European. I admit I am 
> poorly equipped to comment on the American Zeitgeist. However, my 
> experience of civil war victims (refugees from the E-bloc) suggests 
> that we should be concentrating on social revolution before we tool 
> up for military. There is more to be won, with a potentially much 
> lower cost.

	Any kind of social revolution will be co-opted, destroyed, or 
rendered useless by the people at the top. What it needed is a continuance 
of the technical revolution.