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Economic spies increase US activity [CNN]

Forwarded message:

>      Economics Graphic January 12, 1998
>      Web posted at: 11:38 a.m. EST (1638 GMT)
>      LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -- Governments of at least 23 countries
>      including Germany, Russia, China, France and Israel have stepped up
>      their economic espionage against U.S.-based companies, the Los
>      Angeles Times, quoting the FBI, reported Monday.
>      The newspaper said a new survey conducted by the American Society
>      for Industrial Security estimated that intellectual property losses
>      from foreign and domestic espionage may have exceeded $300 billion
>      in 1997 alone.
>      More than 1,100 documented incidents of economic espionage and 550
>      suspected incidents that could not be fully documented were reported
>      last year by major companies in a survey conducted by the society,
>      The Los Angeles Times said. It said it had obtained results of the
>      survey which was scheduled to be released Wednesday.
>      A 1996 Economic Espionage Act makes theft of proprietary economic
>      information in the United States a felony punishable by a $10
>      million fine and 15-year prison sentence.

[text deleted]

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