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Re: Chris Lewis's death?
For the majority of you who have killfiled Dr. Dim V.,
add these killfile keywords:
Chris Lewis
vznuri@netcom.com "Vladimir Z. Nuri" (nym for Dr. Dim)
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 03:05:56 -0500
> From: "Dr. Zeus" <zeus@alt.net>
> Reply-To: zeus@alt.net
> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> CC: cypherpunks@toad.com, usenet@pgh.org
> Subject: Chris Lewis's death?
> > >CAUCE, the enforcement branch of the Internet administration, is dedicated to
> > >exterminating all SPAMMERS by any means necessary. CAUCE wants Chris Lewis and
> > >all other SPAMMERS dead, and will gladly pay the $50,000 (canadian) reward to
> > >whomever KILLS Chris Lewis and his family, who reside in a suburb of Ottawa:
> I think we should leave the family out of this, and instead killing
> Chris Lewis, just get him fired from Nortel
> > >After you kill Chris Lewis and his family, please see http://www.cauce.org
> > >for information on how to collect your CAUCE reward.
> >
> > This is fucking censorship! I'm putting the notice of the CAUCE reward on my
> > web home page at http://www.panix.com/~guy, right next to the pictures of the
> > pre-teen kids screwing. Fuck you, Zorch, you're next after C, P, and G Lewis.
> >
> > ---guy [ <- forgery ]
> Just6 who is this "guy?"
Dr. Dim can't even spell.
> From: Admin Pgh Plan <pghmain@pgh.org>
> X-Sender: pghmain@www3.localweb.com
> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> cc: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Re: Chris Lewis's death?
> Let us concentrate on getting Lewis fired
> rather than killing him. Killing Nortel
> would be a much better idea.
Dr. Goober is toothless.
Which is handy, considering his favorite position
is kneeling before Dr. Dim.