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NTY compression proposal


It has been proposed to compress the keys from 100 cypherpunks down to a 64
character add in the NYT. Let's consider the math a moment to determine if
this is realizable.

Each key will require some sort of identifier, to make it simple lets assume
8 characters to identify the cypherpunks and 8 bytes to represent their key
(64-bits). This mean that each line will contain 16 bytes. With a hundred
entries that is 1600 bytes or 12800 bits.

Now 64 characters of text in a newspaper represents approx. 64 6-bit
characters (we can't use a full 8-bit because the paper doesn't normaly
support that many characters in normal text). This provides us with
384 bits.

The proposal leads to a requirement for an algorithm with an average
compression factor of:

12800/384 or 33.33:1 with no data loss.

That's a pretty hefty compression factor for average responce.

Is there a loss-less algorithm which provides this level?

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   |       but the desire to edit somebody elses words.                 |
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   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
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