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RE: FCPUNX:Anonymous IRC (was 'Cypherpunks IRC Christmas Eve Party')
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lance Cottrell [mailto:loki@infonex.com]
> Sent: Saturday, January 03, 1998 5:08 AM
> To: wayne clerke; cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
> Subject: Re: FCPUNX:Anonymous IRC (was 'Cypherpunks IRC Christmas Eve
> Party')
> >What's the reason behind the policy direction against the use of personal
> >proxies running in a (paid for) shell account?
> >Seems like less risk than you already accept anyway. Something I've
> >
> System load is the issue in this case. If a proxy becomes publicly known
> the load it imposes on the system could quickly become gigantic. In
> addition we found that people were setting up proxies on any old port,
> sometimes causing all kinds of conflicts.
> Our accounts are priced assuming light personal usage. Running servers on
> our systems is negotiable.
It seems this was just stated on the list for advertizing purposes.
It's not so negotiable that private emails are responded to.
> -Lance
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Lance Cottrell loki@infonex.com
> PGP 2.6 key available by finger or server.
> http://www.infonex.com/~loki/
Mail: <a href= mailto:wclerke@emirates.net.ae >Wayne Clerke</a>
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