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Quantum teleportation and communication (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:29:16 -0800
> From: Tim May <[email protected]>
> Subject: Quantum teleportation and communication

> Steve asked in another message about where one learns about some of this
> stuff. As always, "Scientific American" is a good place to look for
> articles. They've had many articles on Bell's Theorem, nonlocality, the EPR
> paradox/nonparadox, the Aharanov-Bohm results, and quantum teleportation. A
> SciAm article will explain, with pictures, in ways we can't here. (Plus the
> articles are carefully written, by experts--we waste too much time here
> getting lost in misunderstandings about the meanings of terms of art.)
> "Science News" is sometimes good, too. And "New Scientist" and "Nature."
> Any library should have plenty of articles.

I agree with the reference to Sci-Am, with one priviso. A few years ago they
put a pair of books on just these topics. They are a collection of articles
published over the years and instead of digging through a variety of
magazines and such these two will save a lot of time.

Particles and Forces: The heart of the matter
ISBN 0-7167-2070-1

Particle Physics in the Cosmos
ISBN 0-7167-1919-3

And a much more technical book that I like a lot is:

Understanding Quantum Physics: A user's manual
M.A. Morrison
ISBN 0-13-747908-5


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