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Re: Interesting Chemical Reaction (fwd)

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> Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 16:34:15 -0500
> From: [email protected] (Matthew Ghio)
> Subject: Re: Interesting Chemical Reaction

> > Because the thermodynamics assume a *closed* model. The base assumption of
> > your model is that it is closed. This means that not only the mirror, and
> > the two focii are in the system, but also the light source. When taken as a
> > whole the entropy is constant. Now if you allow the light to pass through
> > the mirror from outside an initial axiomatic assumption, a closed system,
> > is broken.
> Assume that the mirrors completely surround the objects, and that the only
> light source is IR thermal radiation, and that the mirrors are insulated
> from the outsite world, so we can assume a closed system.
> By the laws of optics, one focus should get warmer than the other, but by
> the law of entropy they must remain at the same temperature.  That's the
> paradox.

No, the total energy of the *system* stays constant, not individual
componants which are free to heat up or cool down as the energy in the
system is moved around. The total entropy of the lenses, the cold foci,
and the warm foci are what stays constant.

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