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<FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2>� All Natural Energizer  � Reduce Sugar Cravings  � Burn the Fat While You Keep the Muscle
� Eat the Foods You Love  � Preferred by Fitness Experts  � 100% Safe and Natural
<FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     I know what you're thinking. I felt the same way at first.�but I found that there <B><I>is</B></I> finally a way to trim down and shed unwanted fat without all the hassles of a diet and strenuous exercise. Yes, there�s actually a way to firm up without giving up the food you love. And it�s so easy! I just take one <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> capsule twice a day�and that�s it! Sure, exercise and daily activity will contribute to your results, but they�re not required! And just think�no messy powders or mixes. No starvation. No rationing your food by the ounce. <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> improves your metabolism <B>so your body burns the excess fat!  </B>I actually noticed my clothes fitting better before I noticed the pounds coming off! 
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     Anyone who has struggled to lose weight can tell you diets alone don't work! That�s because your size, or your weight, has more to do with your metabolism than what you eat.
     <I>Changes International</I> has designed a product that works several ways to help you achieve maximum results from your weight-loss program. This unique blend of herbs, botanicals and Chromium Picolinate improves your metabolism so your body relies more on stored body fat and less on stored proteins. 
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     On a typical diet, up to 30% of lost weight is muscle. Losing muscle lowers your metabolic rate and slows the burning of calories. This lower metabolic rate also makes it hard to keep lost pounds from creeping back. Result: the Yo-Yo syndrome! You know, up and down�up and down. <B>After each lose-gain cycle the proportion of fat actually increases!</B>
     To break this vicious cycle, it is important to lose only fat while maintaining� or even increasing� muscle! Our unique formula is a specialized combination of herbs and botanicals coupled with the best source of chromium available. Patented Chromium Picolinate, a bio-active chromium with clinically proven benefits, is vital to good health and is essential for the effective functioning of insulin.
     <B>Studies have shown chromium nutrition to be an effective part of LONG-TERM fat loss programs!
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>� Three million readers of <I>Cosmopolitan</I> read a discussion of Chromium Picolinate's value for dieters under the headline, "A Miracle Mineral?".
� The cholesterol-reducing effect of Chromium Picolinate was highlighted in <I>Ladies Home Journal</I>.
� <I>Longevity</I> magazine has praised it as a safe alternative to anabolic steroids. 
� A large number of publications for athletes and health food shoppers have also run feature articles on Chromium Picolinate, including: <I>Prevention, Today�s Living, Total Health </I>and <I>Muscular Development</I>.
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     Several double-blind crossover studies conducted along with clinical and laboratory tests at a leading university and hospital have proven that the ingredients in <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> are effective. Without changing dietary or exercise habits over a 6-week period, subjects in separate studies lost an average of 23% body fat or approximately 4.4 pounds of fat, and increased lean body mass by 1.5 pounds.
     <FONT  COLOR="#ff0080" SIZE=3>People over the age of 46 did even better, and women seemed to do the best! People with elevated cholesterol levels averaged a 10% drop in LDL cholesterol. </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     Chromium Picolinate, Bee Pollen, Astralagus, Licorice Root, Ginger Root, Rehmannia Root, Siberian Ginseng, Ma Huang Extract, Gotu Kola, Bladderwrack, White Willow Bark, Guarana Extract and Reishi Mushroom. All ingredients are formulated and synergistically blended to be both 100% safe and effective. <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> is manufactured and bottled by a 25 year-old, pharmaceutical company and all FDA standards have been met or exceeded.
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     Siberian Ginseng: Good source of energy and endurance. Increases physical and mental vigor. Ma Huang extract: Helps to increase energy, improve circulation, control appetite and decongest. The Chinese use it for treatment of asthma and other respiratory disorders. Guarana extract: Increases mental alertness and fights fatigue�a very high energy source. Rehmannia Root: Used to treat anemia, fatigue, and to promote the healing of bones. Astralagus: Acts as a tonic to protect the immune system and increases metabolism. Bee Pollen: Effective for combating fatigue, depression, and colon disorders.
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>     "My name is Denita Kellet. In just 18 months, I have been able to lose 212 pounds and over 52 inches over my entire body! I have a non-functioning thyroid and for years have fought a losing battle with a bad weight problem. Then I found <B>Thermo-Lift</B>�
     This product has greatly enriched my life and my health. I wish everybody could feel as good as I feel. I'm a lot more active and able to play with my family. All I can say is, thanks 110% <B>Thermo-Lift</B> for what you've done for me and my life." 
    <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><I> �Denita went from 340 pounds to 128 pounds in 18 months. Before and after pictures available!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></I>

     "My name is Misty McDonald. I'm a twenty-two year old working mother of two children. In just five months I have lost an amazing seventy pounds. I dropped an incredible sixteen dress sizes! At 180 pounds, I was very unhappy and depressed. I felt very insecure about myself and really didn't like to go outside the house. Then I found <B>Thermo-Lift</B> and what a difference it has made in my life! Thank you <B>Thermo-Lift</B> for changing my life and making me feel complete."
     <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><I>�Misty went from 180 pounds to 110 pounds in only 5 months. Before and after</I> <I>pictures available!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></I>

     "I have been examined by my doctor and my weight loss has blown his mind! People that I used to work with, and even some family members, have trouble recognizing me. I wish everyone that is overweight could be sent my way so that I could talk to them. Maybe I could be of help, since I�ve lost 150 pounds so far."
    <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3> <I>�Kenny went from 350 pounds to 200 pounds. Before and after pictures available!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></I>

     "I started taking <B>Thermo-Lift</B> March 1st of this year. My sister just kept after me. I felt happy eating, and did not want to change my life, so I didn't. I just took <B>Thermo-Lift</B> and kept eating. I noticed my clothes getting looser on me, but I haven't kept a scale in my house for over ten years. The middle of May, I found a commercial scale and weighed myself. I had lost 50 pounds, in just 2 1/2 months! I celebrated by buying myself a new pair of jeans. I went from a size 48 waist to a size 42!
     The best part is I am a non insulin-dependent diabetic and was taking 10 mg of diabeta every day to control my blood sugar. I monitor my blood sugar myself, and with <B>Thermo-Lift</B> my sugar level went below 70 for the first time in years. My doctor has now taken me off my medication, and <B>Thermo-Lift</B> is keeping up very good. I still watch it closely, but I hate to be chemically dependent like that. I thank my sister every week for turning me on to <B>Thermo-Lift</B>."
     <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><I>�Bernie has lost 60 pounds so far� and is still going!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></I>

     "Over the last 10 years, I have tried a variety of weight loss methods, spent thousands of dollars and failed at all of them. By December 1995, I was the heaviest I had ever weighed�235 pounds. I had no energy. My self-esteem had hit rock bottom� I was introduced to <I>Changes International</I> and <B>Thermo-Lift</B> and have never looked back! My energy level has boosted and my weight loss increased� In total I have lost 70 pounds and went from a size 22 to a size 12. The  amazing part � it's so easy!
     <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><I>�Becky went from 235 pounds to 165 pounds. Before and after pictures available!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></I>
</P><P ALIGN=CENTER>**************************************************<FONT  COLOR="#c91e00" SIZE=3>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
<FONT  COLOR="#c91e00" SIZE=6><U>NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!<FONT  COLOR="#c91e00" SIZE=3></U>

</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3><B>Experience the incredible changes Thermo-Lift can make in YOUR life. 

Over 90% of our customers report feeling a change within 2 to 3 days!  
Even if it took YOU 2 to 3 weeks, wouldn�t it be worth it?

With your order, you will receive a one month supply of 60 capsules. 
No diet is included because none is needed! 
Your small investment of only $29.95 plus $3.00 S&H will start you on the 
path to a NEW YOU� for about a dollar a day. 

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your purchase price (less S&H) will be 
cheerfully refunded upon return of the unused portion.</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
     <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3><B>TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW!</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=3></B> </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>Only by starting <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> immediately can you begin to feel the boost in energy and the increased fat burning efficiency of your new metabolic rate. Be prepared to experience a bit of a "spring" in your step when you use <B>Thermo-Lift�</B> and remember� if you find it CURBING YOUR APPETITE, don�t blame me. You were warned!

</P><P ALIGN=CENTER>*****************************************************
Complete the form below and mail it with your check or money order payable to:

Merriman Mktg.
Dept. M127
PO Box 121
Garfield, NM 87936
Questions about the product or about the status of your order?  Call our message center at 505-267-1405 and leave your name, phone number (including area code), and the best time to reach you.

<FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3>Also available</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> -- an alternative supplement for those who desire weight loss without the energizing effects of <B>Thermo-Lift��<FONT  COLOR="#ff8040" SIZE=4>Changes NOW!�</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B>. A revolutionary combination of fibers, enzymes, vitamins and minerals designed to <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3>attract and hold fats</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> and <FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3>remove them from the digestive tract</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>.

</P><P ALIGN=CENTER>------------------------------------------------ CUT  HERE------------------------------------------------
</P><P ALIGN=LEFT>                    
YES! I want ____ bottles of THERMO-LIFT� at $29.95 each:     $________

YES! I want ____ bottles of Changes NOW!� at $29.95 each:    $________

5% Shipping & Handling: ($3.00 minimum)                                $________

                Total Amount Enclosed (Payable to Merriman Mktg.):  $________

Dept. M127

Your Name: ______________________________________________________  
Address: ________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________
Phone (Day): ________________________ (Eve): _______________________

</P><P ALIGN=CENTER>THANK YOU for your order!  Drop us a line and let us know how <U>you</U> like it.

</P><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2>The information contained in this e-mail was derived from many medical, nutritional, and media publications. It is not intended for medical or nutritional claims but for informational and educational purposes. Please consult a health professional should the need for one be indicated.<FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>

<FONT  COLOR="#3d6ee5" SIZE=2>Check here</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2> ____<FONT  COLOR="#3d6ee5" SIZE=2> to receive a free copy of the "�Big Clues" audio tape</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=2>. This
informational tape, narrated by Mr. Michael Clutton, shatters some of the common myths and misconceptions about wealth and business in America. A rare blend of common sense and humor that will raise your eyebrows!<FONT  COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>