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BSAFE 4.0 to force GAK?!


Jan. 26's Network World has an article on page 33 titled "RSA blasts
(but also supports) Government encryption policy".

The paragraph of note is the fourth paragraph which reads:"The next
version of the RSA encryption toolkit, BSAFE 4.0, will force those
building products with anthing over 56 bit strength encryption to use a
key-recovery center for exportable products...."

I haven't been able to confirm this with other sources yet but the
glaring question is how will this be enforced and how will it affect
domestic products that wish to use BSAFE 4.0 for their crypto. Further
what ramifications does this hold for their S/Mail toolkit for S/MIME?
and I haven't seen this discussed on the list yet.
Steve O
A picture tells a thousand words.

     -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
     Version: 3.1
     GCS/IT/S d--() s+: a-- C++++(++)$ ULS+++@ P++@ L+(++)$ E- W+(+++)$
     N++$ !o K-? w++(+++)$ !O+>++ !M !V PS+(+++)@ PE(++)@ Y++$ PGP@ t+@
     5++@ X++>$ R+++>$ tv+@ b+@ DI+++>$ D+++@>$ G@ e++@>++++ h r* y+ 
     ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------